Courtesy of:
Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc., Chris Groble
Výpis Prodáno:
Century 21 Alliance-Cherry Hilll
Místní realitní služby poskytované:
Keller Williams Realty Cherry Hill
Co to bude stát
Podobné domy
14 Partridge Court, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
5 lůžek
4 koupele
čtverečních stop
Přihlášení pro odhalení ceny
14 Partridge Court, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Odhad poskytnutý společností Keller Williams Realty Inc..
5 lůžek
4 koupele
čtverečních stop
Popis nemovitosti
This incredible home is situated on over 3/4 of an acre at the top of a winding cul de sac. The location is magical with every window offering picturesque views of the surrounding grounds. What seems like miles of impressive paver stones greet you as you pull into the driveway and walk the lighted path to the front entrance. A grand, 2 story, light filled, foyer with wainscoting welcomes you. The spectacular gourmet kitchen is the center and heart of the home. It features stately cherry cabinets, beautiful granite, a Wolf range , a Thermador extra wide sub zero refrigerator, and a show stopping island. There is also a large eat in area with sliders to one of the decks, and skylights that drench your kitchen with sun. Grab some wine from the wine refrigerator and elevate your cooking. Off the kitchen is a keeping room with an enormous pantry. This room leads right out to the most beautiful sunroom overlooking the property. Vaulted ceilings, flagstone flooring, and huge windows will surely make this room one of your favorites. There is a wood burning stove for added comfort. Off the West side of the kitchen, through french doors, is a wonderful family room. Next to the family room you will find another large room with a bedroom. This room is perfect for overnight guests, in law area, au pair or a 2nd TV or gaming room. The laundry suite and half bath complete the West wing of the home. The main level also features a beautiful living room, and a Downton Abbey size dining room with fabulous details such as wainscotting and a beautiful fireplace. You can entertain everyone here. Imagine your holiday gatherings! Another beautiful room is adjacent to the dining room. It could serve as a wonderful in-home office. Upstairs features 4 large bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms. The master suite is spectacular featuring 2 walk in closets and a fireplace. The spa like master bath features a whirlpool tub, walk in shower, and built in vanity. All the bedrooms are good sizes and the princess suite has a beautiful full bath, walk in closet and a little side room with many possibilities. The hardwood floors are stunning throughout this home. There are energy efficient Anderson windows and doors. The expansive basement is fully finished and features a wet bar and energy efficient LED lighting. In the basement there is also a sport room with padded flooring, a storage room, and a little room with windows. There are 2 main zones for HVAC and 2 additional zones for added comfort. The multiple ceiling fans, energy efficient windows, built in dehumidifier/humidifier and multiple HVAC zones make this home energy efficient and comfortable. The backyard is so pretty. It is fully fenced with beautiful plantings and green grass. A firepit and house shaped shed are both just wonderful additions that make this home so special. Past the back yard are township protected trees and a path to a nearby field. There is even a sledding hill. The architecture of the garage compliments the main home. It has finished living space upstairs and a deck as well. There is heat and air. A artist studio, a teen retreat, a private office...the possibilities are endless. Fox Hollow, with its gas lights and neighborhood swim club, is a premier neighborhood on the East side of Cherry Hill. Close to shopping, restaurants, highly rated award winning schools, and houses of worship. Easy commutes to Philadelphia and the shore points. The owners are offering a 1 year home warranty. This home truly is a value at this price. The high quality finishes and upgrades through the home coupled with the location is a rare opportunity for a fortunate Buyer. Room dimensions are uploaded.
Údaje poskytnuté společností Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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Jistina + úrok
Daň z nemovitosti
Pojištění domácnosti
HOA/poplatek za byt
Hypoteční pojištění
Měsíční platba
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Přihlaste se nebo si zaregistrujte účet Keller Williams ještě dnes a získejte přístup k exkluzivnímu obsahu a další podpoře od místního agenta Keller Williams®!
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Seznam Kategorie
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
5 lůžek
4 koupele
Dny na místě
1 797 Dny
Rok postavený
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Stavební materiály
Materials: Frame
Vodní zdroj
Interiérové prvky
Bezpečnostní systém
Type: Forced Air
Fuel: Natural Gas
Exteriérové prvky
Parkovací funkce
2 parkovací místa
Type: Detached Garage
Type: Driveway
Features: Garage Door Opener
Features: Garage - Front Entry
Features: Additional Storage Area
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