Offering complete privacy, timeless sophistication and endless views, this 17-acre estate, just 30 minutes from Philadelphia and 90 minutes from New York City, was once a prized piece of Ardrossan, the most extraordinary estate on Philadelphia's esteemed Main Line. Now known as Albermarle, this collection of masterfully and recently restored and expanded English-style stone buildings was painstakingly reimagined and created by Pinemar Construction over a 3-year period, 2003-2006, and is set behind a gated entry across from Overbrook Country Club in Villanova. An additional extensive list of recent improvements was also completed this past year. The sun-filled main residence, charming guest houses entertainment barn, pool and tennis court, effortlessly serve as fabulous living and gathering spaces while the original clock tower building efficiently functions as a well-outfitted, high-tech business headquarters with multiple offices, kitchen, 2 bathrooms and board rooms. Every piece of the estate has been fine-tuned for today s lifestyles and is complemented by Chuck Gale s picturesque hardscaping and landscaping with vista views of conservancy land and private hiking trails. Importantly, this hidden world, located in a prime ZIP code, is just minutes from renowned public and private educational institutions, world class golf , equestrian and endless recreational facilities, fabulous dining, shopping and much more. Inside the main house, which was originally constructed to serve as a 40-horse barn for the 1920's Col. Robert Montgomery Estate, the expansive open floor plan showcases a breathtaking foyer with stone fireplace and glimpses of the properties views, generously proportioned living room with glorious vistas and stone fireplace, stunning dining room with beautiful built-ins and a wall of windows, great room with vaulted ceiling, hand crafted beam detail, wet bar and access to a custom wine room, an incredible custom-designed eat-in chef s kitchen with professional appliances, large working island and breakfast room with fireplace, richly paneled office with cozy fireplace, an expansive first floor guest suite with flexible adjacent bonus room, sun-filled laundry room and 2 custom tiled powder rooms. Plentiful windows and French doors embrace the exceptional setting and allow for indoor-outdoor flow to the wrap around flagstone terraces, gardens, pool area, tennis court and secondary buildings. Additional bedrooms are located on the second floor and include an incredible primary suite with entrance foyer, his and hers walk-in dressing rooms and a sumptuous marble bathroom, two additional en- suite bedrooms and an wonderful second floor office, offering a total of 4-6 bedrooms within the main residence. The charming stone guest house, set up as a twin and fully updated with two separate and complete living spaces, provides four additional bedrooms. The clock tower offices, also fully renovated and restored, including the timepiece mechanics in the tower, now house a reception area, two executive offices, three additional offices, board room with video/large screen equipment, Cat-5 wiring, kitchen, two full baths and four oversized garage bays. For entertaining, the newly rebuilt, all-season stone bank barn has it all: game/media areas, wet bar, fitness space on the upper level and two bathrooms. This building also offers three additional parking bays for a total of seven on the property. Plan on warm-weather entertaining by the pool, where its lounge area and fireplace are seamlessly integrated into the impeccably designed hardscaping, with breathtaking views. For the buyer seeking a complete, turnkey residence, catering to the ultimate setting for generational family life, business and entertaining, within walking distance to golf and country club facilities, along with a legacy property that offers an exclusive heritage, look no further than the Main Line's Albermarle.
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Typ nemovitosti
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Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
8 lůžek
13 koupele
Dny na místě
356 Dny
Rok postavený
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Garden/Lawn, Panoramic, Scenic Vista, Trees/Woods
Architektonický styl/Design
Carriage House, Converted Barn, Cottage
Stavební materiály
Interiérové prvky
Bezpečnostní systém
Cooling: Central A/C
Heating: Hot Water,Radiant,Zoned,Programmable Thermostat
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